New Health Project is investing in a New Therapy Clinic based in Hermitage. Prices will reflect the same as the "Face to Face" shown below - with the added benefit of better facilities.
We understand that face to face sessions aren't always convenient, but this doesn't mean that you can't receive a high quality service.
Assessment, exercise prescription and health management is made much easier now with the progression of technology.
Any health concerns that you have can be helped with small improvements to your daily habits. Please contact me directly for any further information.
(+£35 for every half hour after the initial hour.)
High quality rehabilitation services are provided to help improve your health, increase your performance, or recover from injury. All in the comfort of your own home.
The team at New Health Project offer home therapy services originating in West Berkshire, Reaching out to North Hampshire, East Wiltshire and South Oxfordshire. (See service radius below for further information)
(+£35 for every half hour after the initial hour.)
We don't like to force package deals on anyone, especially when it's unclear as to how many sessions you may need. However, if you are wanting to make a long term investment in yourself by using our services, then discounted prices up to 15% off can be discussed.
Pain and injuries can often be unexpected. Putting an immediate strain and restriction on your life. Oftentimes an early diagnosis and treatment can make a big difference. We offer an urgent treatment option for appointments required within 48 hours. This incudes unsociable hours callout fee.
No travel charge within the stamp of New Health Project.
£20 travel fee within gold (zone 2)
£35 travel fee beyond the gold (zone 3)
***Virtual sessions available.